The Forest Grove School District uses ParentSquare for District and school communication. An account has been automatically generated for each parent/guardian, using the contact information in Synergy so you can get important, urgent, and emergency communications. Users can choose to receive messages through email, text message, app notifications, or any combination of the three. You can customize your notification settings after you activate your account.
We encourage all families to access their ParentSquare accounts so they can download the ParentSquare mobile app and update their preferences on when and how you are notified.
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text or mobile app notification
- Choose to receive information instantly when it’s sent out, or all at once in one message in the evening
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Direct message teachers and staff
- Participate in group messages
- Sign forms & permissions slips, sign up to volunteer, and more all from your phone or web portal
Watch the video below to get started then log in to ParentSquare!
ParentSquare Overview/Getting Started
How to Get Started | Cómo empezar |
Use the link or the QR code to download the App.