Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room
District » Safe & Welcoming Schools

Safe & Welcoming Schools

The Forest Grove School District is unwavering in its belief that every student has the fundamental right to learn in a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. We are committed to protecting this right, and celebrating each student for their unique cultures, strengths, and contributions to our schools.

Our district ensures an educational experience free from discrimination or harassment, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, language proficiency, immigration status, socioeconomic background, or ability. Every member of our community—students, staff, and visitors—is entitled to an environment that upholds their dignity, affirms their worth, and supports their growth.

We actively work to remove barriers to equity and opportunity, confronting bias and any acts of discrimination or harassment that threaten the safety or learning of our students. Protecting each student’s right to thrive is our priority, and we are committed to proactive and restorative measures to uphold this standard.

In the Forest Grove School District, we care deeply about each other, stand strong in support of one other, and adapt and grow together. We will continue to create school environments where every student feels safe, valued, and empowered to achieve their fullest potential.

Dr. Suzanne West, Superintendent


El Distrito Escolar de Forest Grove es inquebrantable en su creencia de que cada estudiante tiene el derecho fundamental de aprender en un ambiente seguro, acogedor e inclusivo. Estamos comprometidos a proteger este derecho, y celebramos a cada estudiante por sus culturas únicas, fortalezas y contribuciones a nuestras escuelas.

Nuestro distrito garantiza una experiencia educativa libre de discriminación o acoso, independientemente de la raza, el origen étnico, la religión, la identidad de género, la orientación sexual, el dominio del idioma, la situación migratoria, el nivel socioeconómico o la capacidad. Todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad -estudiantes, personal y visitantes- tienen derecho a un entorno que defienda su dignidad, afirme su valía y apoye su crecimiento.

Trabajamos activamente para eliminar las barreras a la equidad y las oportunidades, haciendo frente a los prejuicios y a cualquier acto de discriminación o acoso que amenace la seguridad o el aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. Proteger el derecho de cada estudiante a prosperar es nuestra prioridad, y estamos comprometidos con medidas proactivas y restaurativas para mantener este estándar.

Dr. Suzanne West, Superintendenta