Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room
September 2018 » Expanded Dual Language Opportunities

Expanded Dual Language Opportunities

Expanded Dual Language Opportunities


For the past few years, FGSD has been implementing the Gomez & Gomez Dual Language Program at Echo Shaw Elementary, Cornelius Elementary and Tom McCall Upper Elementary School. The Dual Language program was extended to Neil Armstrong Middle School last year. These students were enrolled in either AP Spanish Language or Spanish for Spanish Speakers classes to continue their advanced study of Spanish.

Last spring 57 students from NAMS sat for the AP Spanish Language Examination. Student performance on the examination was noteworthy. Seventy-seven percent of the students who took the exam scored a 3, 4 or 5 on the assessment, acquiring 12 university level Spanish credits in the Oregon University System.

As we work to further refine and expand our Dual Language opportunities for students at the high school level, ninth grade students are now able to take AP Spanish Literature in ninth grade and then transition to Pacific University in grades 10-12 for advanced Spanish language study. Students following this course trajectory may meet the equivalency requirements for a minor in Spanish at a university.