Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room
Student Services » Special Education Services

Special Education Services

Our Special Education Department is dedicated to providing exceptional support and resources to students with diverse learning needs. We believe that every student deserves access to a high-quality education tailored to their individual strengths and challenges.


Our team of experienced educators, specialists, and support staff are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student can thrive. We work closely with students, families, and educators to develop individualized education plans (IEPs) that address each student's unique needs and goals.

Through specialized instruction, accommodations, and assistive technology, we aim to empower students with disabilities to reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Our department offers a range of services, including:


  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development and implementation
  • Access to assistive technology and adaptive equipment
  • Specialized instruction in academic and social-emotional skills
  • Collaboration with general education teachers and support staff
  • Transition planning and support for life after graduation


We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusion and respect, where all students are valued for their unique contributions. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive in school and beyond.


If you have questions related to special education services in the Forest Grove School District, please contact any member of our team.



Kimberley Shearer

Director of Student Services 

All students are general education students first.
All students should be within the general education classroom to the maximum extent.
All students should remain in their neighborhood schools.
Services should be based on student needs.
Parents are valued members of the team.
All students will have access to quality Specially Designed Instruction.
The Forest Grove School District (FGSD) is seeking assistance in locating children with disabilities (birth through age 21) who have not graduated from high school and currently are not attending nor receiving other special services from public schools.
Oregon and federal law mandate educational services for children with disabilities. FGSD provides educational programs and services for eligible children from kindergarten through age 21. Services provided are appropriate to each child's disability.
The Northwest Regional Education Service District provides educational services for eligible children from birth to kindergarten.  For children younger than kindergarten, please telephone the NWRESD at 503-614-1446.
Parents, guardians, or anyone who knows of a child (age five through 21) with a disability currently not receiving educational services are asked to notify the special education contact person in the child's home school or contact the District Student Services Department at 503-359-2403.
For students enrolled in private schools within the Forest Grove School District, please contact the Student Services Department at 503-359-2403 and refer to the Private School Plan information below.
The Forest Grove School District (FGSD) is committed to serving students whose parents have enrolled them in private schools that are located within the district boundaries. 
When parents or private school staff members suspect that a child may have a disability, a referral is made.  Forest Grove Special Education staff members convene a team that includes the parent and private school teacher to review the concerns and determine whether an evaluation is warranted.  If the team determines that an evaluation for special education eligibility is necessary, FGSD Special Education staff members will complete the evaluation after gaining written parent consent.  The team reconvenes to consider the results of the evaluation and determine whether the child meets Federal and State guidelines for eligibility under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 
“Child Find”, the process described above, is available at no cost to parents or private schools and applies to all schools (for profit and non-profit) within the FGSD attendance boundaries. 
For students attending non-profit private schools that are found eligible for special education services, a Service Plan is developed.  The Service Plan specifies what FGSD staff members will do to support the child’s learning in the private school setting.  The menu of options is determined each year after consultation with private school representatives. For 2019-2020, that menu includes the following:
  • Up to 120 minutes/month of direct service from a Speech Language Pathologist.
  • Up to 60 minutes/month of consultative services from a licensed special education teacher.
Child Find referrals from concerned parents and private school staff members can be made by calling Student Services at 503-359-2403.
Forest Grove School District provides both district and contracted services. For contracted services we partner with the Northwest Regional ESD (NWRESD).
Any child who is eligible for special education in Oregon because of a hearing impairment (see Oregon Administrative Rule 581-015-0051 for criteria) is potentially eligible to receive services at the Oregon School for the Deaf.