Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room

2023-2024 School Board Meetings

2023-2024 School Board Meetings

All meetings are held at the District Office unless otherwise noted on the agenda
1728 Main Street, Forest Grove, OR  97116





The opportunity to submit a public comment at regular board meetings is made available prior to each meeting in this space.  Registration links are posted when meeting packets are uploaded the Thursday prior to the scheduled board meeting.








Virtual Only
9:30 a.m. Materials Minutes 7/10/23
  8/14/2023 Regular  5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 8/14/2023
  8/28/2023 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 8/28/2023
  8/29/2023 Retreat 9:00 a.m. Agenda Minutes Not Recorded
  9/11/2023 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 9/11/2023
  9/25/2023 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 9/25/2023
10/09/2023 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 10/09/2023
10/23/2023 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes
11/02/2023 Executive 9:00 a.m. Agenda NA
11/13/2023 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 11/13/2023
11/16/2023 Executive 9:15 a.m. Agenda NA NA
11/27/2023 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 11/27/2023
12/7/2023 Executive 9:00 a.m. Agenda NA NA
12/11/2023 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 12/11/2023
12/14/2023 Special 1:00 p.m. Agenda Minutes 12/14/2023
  1/08/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 1/08/2024
 1/22/2024 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 1/22/2024
2/05/2024 Special 5:00 p.m. Agenda Minutes 2/05/2024
  2/12/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 2/12/2024
5:30 p.m.
  3/11/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 3/11/2024
3/15/2024 Executive 2:00 p.m. Agenda N/A N/A
4/04/2024 Executive TBD Agenda N/A N/A
4/05/2024 Executive TBD Agenda N/A N/A
Joint Session
5:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Minutes 4/8/2024
4/09/2024 Executive 8:00 a.m. Agenda N/A N/A
4/19/2024 Executive 8:00 a.m. Agenda N/A N/A
5:30 p.m.
5/01/2024 Special 5:00 p.m. Materials Minutes 5/1/2024 
5/9/2024 Budget 6:00 p.m. Agenda Minutes 5/9/2024
  5/13/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 5/13/2024
5/16/2024 Budget 6:00 p.m. Agenda Minutes 5/16/2024
 5/28/2024 Work/Reg 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 5/28/2024
Virtual only
5:00 p.m. Materials Minutes 6/04/2024
  6/10/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 6/10/2024
  6/24/2024 Regular 5:30 p.m. Materials Minutes 6/24/2024
   School Board Meetings
Work Sessions are held to engage in dialogue and discuss specific topics in greater depth.  Work sessions are open to the public but comments are not taken.
Regular Sessions are held to conduct district business. Regular sessions are open to the public and there is a place on the agenda for the board to hear public comment.
Executive Sessions are closed meetings of the board and are not open to the public.