District Strategic Planning Committee
The Forest Grove School District has a strategic plan which guides administrators, teachers, staff and students. The current strategic plan was created more than 10 years ago. While it's parts are still working, it needs to be updated and refreshed for the climate and circumstances of today. Once finalized, this plan will guide district decisions at every level and direct how we will prepare our students for the future.
As such, Superintendent Parker has set in motion a process to refresh the FGSD strategic plan. The process is as follows:
- Meet with parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators and community members to obtain feedback
- Compile feedback into general themes of importance and vision
- Convene a Strategic Planning Committee which will use the community insight to form a new Strategic Plan (Three meetings have been scheduled in February and March)
- Use the new Strategic Plan to inform the budgeting process for the 2019-2020 school year and beyond
Community Engagement Meetings
In the months of November and December, Superintendent Parker conducted 32 individual meetings with students, staff, parents and community members. These meetings were held at each one of our district schools as well as at various community meeting locations. About 700 individuals participated in these meetings, and an online survey, which generated nearly 3,000 different ideas on a variety of topics.
Session 4 -- Tuesday June 18, 2019
Superintendent Parker reconvened the committee to review the progress of the strategic plan and provide feedback before the plan is finalized. About half of the original committee was in attendance.
All members present began the session by doing a "gallery walk" and viewing all of the work that they had done at the previous three meetings. Three groups were then created to review the "Game Plans" of the three strategic anchors which were created from the prior work of the committee.
Once the committee had reviewed all of the materials, they then worked within their groups to review the draft of the strategic plan that was provided to them in paper form. Members combed through the introductory language for adjustments, corrections and/or changes for clarification. They then reviewed the "action plan" for each of the strategic anchors. These "action plans" contain the detailed work that the district will do within each strategic anchors in Year One.
Session 3 -- 2019
Session 2 -- Tuesday February 19, 2019
Members of the committee gathered in their groups from the first meeting to review the work that was completed in the first session and had the opportunity to make additions/changes. Feedback from the digital survey was also added to the appropriate charts.
The groups were then tasked with an exercise called "Cover Story Vision." This was to help the groups envision how they saw the District in five years. In this exercise they worked to create "news headlines" of stories that would illustrate the successes of FGSD in 2024. They also provided "evidence" of these stories by writing fictitious quotes from teachers, students and community members showcasing the successes of the "future" FGSD.
Once all the groups completed this exercise, each group then presented their chart to the entire committee. Each committee member then voted for their top five favorite headlines -- from any group. All votes were tallied and one single chart was created to reflect the entire committee's voting results.
Session 1 -- Tuesday February 5, 2019
The Strategic Planning Committee met last week to begin the process of refreshing the district's strategic plan.
Participants were separated into five groups. Each group was first lead through a process where they were given a summary report of the 30 individual community meetings that were held throughout November and December. That report illustrates the most common themes shared by all who participated. The committee was asked to review the report and asked "What pops out to you?" "What surprised you?" and "What are your top three vision worthy ideas?"
You can review those worksheets and the report in the files below.
Each of the five groups were then assigned a task to fill in large format charts aimed at recording the following:
Framing the history of the Forest Grove School District
Please read over the chart below and let us know if you see important points of FGSD history that are not included. You can record your opinions through the Google Form linked at the end of this page.
Community/National Context Map
Please read over the "Context Map" below and let us know what you see as important points you want added. You can record your opinions through the Google Form linked at the end of this summary.
Strengths, Opportunities, Threats & Problems
Please read over the charts below and let us know what you see as important points you would like to see added. You can record your opinions through the Google Form linked at the end of this summary.
Google Survey
Please click on the survey here to record your opinions and/or items you felt needed to be added for the committee's consideration.