Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room

Minor Bus Accident -- October 18, 2022 (3:26pm)

We have been notified that there was a minor school bus accident this afternoon. The school bus, which was transporting three NAMS students, was hit by another vehicle. No injuries were reported. Police were called to the scene and have since released the driver to deliver the students to their regular stops.The families of the three students are being notified of the situation.

Nos han notificado que hubo un accidente menor de autobús escolar esta tarde. El autobús escolar, que transportaba a tres estudiantes de NAMS, fue embestido por otro vehículo. No se reportaron heridos. La policía fue llamada a la escena y desde entonces liberó al conductor para llevar a los estudiantes a sus paradas regulares. Las familias de los tres estudiantes están siendo notificadas de la situación.